Help us reach our goal to provide transportation services for teens who will spend time creating and inventing at Make-it Springfield from May through December this year.
Providing transportation addresses a key barrier to high-quality, out-of-school resources for youth.
Our ability to provide transportation removes one more barrier for the teens in our community who tell us that transportation issues restrict their ability to access our space—and Make-It Springfield is a proven resource for teens on a path to authentic self-discovery.
Join us in making this possible by donating today!
Your donation will go toward providing transportation for our youth, making a tangible difference in their access, which means we’ve got their back as a community.
Come join us in expanding access to artistic experimentation!
Make-It Springfield is a creative space in downtown Springfield—a unique space that invites invention, creativity and artistic experimentation. A place where people can gather to create, use provided supplies and equipment, share ideas, knowledge, and have fun. Scan QR code or follow the link below.
Paypal: @makeitspringfield
Venmo: ???
Mail: 286 Bridge Street, Springfield, MA 01108
A heartfelt THANK YOU from the entire Make-it Springfield team!
To keep up with all we do, follow us on social media @makeitspringfield.