by Jamila Jackson
Danashia was a part of our Creative Teens Matter summer course. Everyday she brought a huge smile to the space and impressed us with her many talents.

The photo is of her holding a top that she made. It took her two days to learn to crochet. She learned from Mayra – local artist, parent and member of Make-It Springfield’s BIPOC Rest Group.
Please enjoy this interview I was able to do with Danashia.
Jamila: What is your inspiration for this piece?
Danashia: I found this green yarn and I thought it was cute so I made something out of it. I ran out of most of it so I had to move on to more yarn. So I used the light cardboard colored yarn. Then I ran out of that so I had to use the white wool to finish it off.
Jamila: What challenges did you encounter while creating this piece?
Danashia: Learning how to crochet. It took me two days to learn.
Jamila: Who supports you in your creativity?
Danashia: My mom. She is the one who signed me up. Bryce’s mom helped me learn crocheting. I told her I was interested in it.