
BIPOC Rest Group Round Two!

Make-It Springfield is offering a NEW ROUND of the BIPOC (Black Indigenous and People of Color) Rest Group with a NEW BOOK to read! 

The new round of this group will focus on Octavia Raheem’s Book “Pause, Rest, Be”. 

We will be providing books for all who register! 

This space is a weekly space for BIPOC people to learn about and practice rest. 

This round will run on Wednesdays for 8 weeks during May and June.

We begin May 1st, meeting from 6-7pm at Make-It Springfield (286 Bridge Street) and continue for 7 Wednesdays after that.

We will also take time each session to practice rest with host, Jamila Jackson and her meditative drumming and daydream practices.

As the last round filled up quickly, we ask that you only register if you can commit to coming for most of the Wednesday group meeting during May and June.


May 01 2024


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

More Info



Make-It Springfield
286 Bridge St., Springfield, MA
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