Intro to Mosaics
Mosaics are one of the oldest art forms humans created and we have examples dating over 5000 years old! Mosaics can be made from just about any type of material including pebbles, seashells, gems, ivory, glass and ceramic tile. We’ll take a quick look at the history of Mosaics and walk thru the construction process and then you’ll create a simple Mosaic coaster project using glass & ceramic tile.
The basic Mosaic construction process is fairly simple. A hard base is used to build your Mosaic project upon which supports the glass/tile and grout. First a TEMPLATE IS CREATED showing the outline of the design to be created and this is transferred to your base. Then the MATERIALS ARE SELECTED to show your view of the project using different material colors & textures. You then BREAK & NIP your materials into piece shapes that will bring out your artistic vision. You ATTACH YOUR PIECES to the base using a glue adhesive. We’ll be using No Days Mosaic Adhesive, which uses heat to allow it to set quickly so grouting can be done immediately. A GROUT IS APPLIED between the pieces which adheres everything together and helps smooth the surface. GROUT can be colored to help enhance the artistic look of your project. And finally a SEALANT CAN BE APPLIED to help protect the grout lines and your materials from moisture. There are lots of ways to embellish the artistic look of Mosaic projects and we’ll discuss some of these ideas. Lots to learn but we’re here to guide you all the way through!
Come join us for a fun introduction to Mosaics and how to create them and take home your own Mosaic project!
3 hrs, $35, All supplies included
About the instructor: Chris Lyons of Glass Visions Stained Glass Studio, in Springfield, MA, is a maker who works in multiple mediums. View all his Make-It Springfield workshops here.
Glass Visions is your source for Stained Glass! They sell low-cost glass and supplies for all your traditional copper-foil stained glass projects. They also offer a full set of stained glass classes from Intro to Advanced lamp making and they provide commission and repair services. Visit www.glassvisions.biz for more information about our studio & classes.